First of Many

So... I don't really know how to start this 'Blog'

There're many thing that I would really like (and some need) to write about.

But to keep this as proactive as possible, i'll only would like to share three things:

  • 1. What did I complete / learn during the day.
  • 2. How I feel about myself.
  • 3. What would i like (or need) to do tomorrow.

Complete / Learn


Maybe I need to get some context here.
I like to play the guitar, and I've been playing since i was like 10 years old.
but i never really got to learn well, so I've been practicing some guitar techniques. Now, it's hard to say it when the first time writing about it, because I didn't really practiced any techniques today. Instead I learned The Art of Subconscious Illusion Song #4 of Avenged Sevenfold, I'm trying to cover every single song from them.


Today i also went back to my iOS Developer days with an online bootcamp that I never really got to finish.
I really love Swift programming language, but it's been almost 2 years since I don't work on any iOS (native) app.
Most of my mobile dev. recent experience it's from React Native and Ionic. which I don't really enjoy as much as writing native iOS code.
I learned (or remembered) what Protocols and Delegates are.
Procotols: As i understood, are a set of 'instructions'[methods] that any given class or struct should have, it doesn't really matter the way that they do it but they must do (or have any implementation).
Delegates: Is the reference to the class that will implement the Protocol method.


I know I can keep improving, in many ways... I need to keep improving my timing on everything, I really mean everything, Maybe keep focusing on procrastination and my guitar skills, and my iOS learning. I need to point that I didn't made all these things on time, and for that I feel a little worried. On Work I must keep looking through my developing time.


I'm going to break this in like 3 steps:
Work: I must complete at least the login Screen on the new re-migration with React Native.
iOS: I must finish 'till lesson #154.
Guitar: Sweep picking practice routine, and keep learning next A7X song (we come out at night), or at least master Nightmare's solos.

Note for myself: I must start writing about my feeding behavior, I'm really losing it, and I shouldn't.